Updated October 31, 2012 9:20am
Adirondack, Pine Hill and New York Trailways will resume service today, October 31, 2012 with these exceptions:
Limited service between Oneonta and New York; Kingston and New York; Albany and Long Island; Glens Falls and Albany; and Gloversville to Albany
Service has resumed westbound from Albany to Buffalo, Albany to Newburgh, Albany to Binghamton, Albany to Kingston via Ravena and the Thruway.
Service has resumed from Syracuse to Massena via Watertown and between Syracuse and Elmira, and Rochester to Binghamton.
There is a special trip from Syracuse to Bingamton departing at 12:15pm; a special trip from Binghamton to Syracuse and Buffalo at 4:00pm; special trip from Ithaca to Rochester departing at 2:35pm; and a special trip from Rochester to Geneva/Ithaca departing at 10:55am.
For all other eastbound/westbound to Buffalo call 800-858-8555.
For those who have purchased e-tickets for October 29, 30, 31, 2012 they will be honored through November 4, 2012 or call 800-858-8555 for a refund.
The EOC is the joint emergency command center of the Town Supervisor's Office, Mayor's Office, New Paltz Police Department, SUNY Police Department, Village Fire Department, Village Department of Public Works, Town Highway Department, Building Departments of both the Village and Town, Rescue Squad, SUNY New Paltz Institute for Disaster Mental Health, Family of New Paltz, SUNY New Paltz, New Paltz Central School District and the Woodland Pond continuing care retirement community.
Wednesday, October 31, 2012
Town Planning Board Public Hearing Rescheduled Friday, Nov 2nd
The Town Planning Board Park Point Public Hearing that was scheduled for Monday night has been rescheduled for Friday, November 2, at 7:00 p.m. at the Town Hall.
A Message from Governor Cuomo
Dear Fellow New Yorker:
Last night, Hurricane Sandy left our state with unprecedented damage, particularly in downstate areas of New York. Long Island, New York City and the Hudson Valley were hit hard by the storm surge, which caused massive flooding and power outages in many neighborhoods.
It is important that New Yorkers stay updated on what state officials are doing after the storm. You can stay updated on our efforts by visiting the Governor’s website at
On the website, you can view the latest transportation alerts for mass transit service, as well as bridge and tunnel re-openings. You can also view the latest power outage maps and reports from different power companies, as well as their contact information.
You can also follow @NYGovCuomo on Twitter for the latest updates and tips for after the storm.
If you need disaster assistance immediately, contact FEMA at 1-800-621-3362 or the NYS Hurricane Sandy Helpline at 1-888-769-7243.
Our thoughts and prayers are with all those affected by the storm, and we thank our first responders for working through the night to help ensure the safety of New Yorkers and put us on a path for recovery.
The Office of the Governor
Lenape closed today; Duzine, MS, HS open
Lenape School is closed today for STUDENTS. All Staff, except for Monitors, are to report to Lenape at their regular scheduled time.
Due to LACK OF ELECTRICITY Lenape will be CLOSED for students on Wednesday,October 31st. Lenape staff should report to school at the normal time.
Due to LACK OF ELECTRICITY Lenape will be CLOSED for students on Wednesday,October 31st. Lenape staff should report to school at the normal time.
Tuesday, October 30, 2012
Pine Hill Trailways has cancelled all service until further notice
Updated October 29, 2012 9:00am
Adirondack, Pine Hill and New York Trailways have cancelled all service until further notice with these exception:
Limited service will operate between Buffalo, NY and Albany, NY.
Limited service will operate between Syracuse, NY Watertown, NY, Canton, NY, Potsdam, NY and Massena, NY.
We will update this information as more information becomes available.
Please call 800-858-8555 for more information.
Town/Village End State of Emergency
Effective 12 noon today, Tuesday, October 30th, Town Supervisor Susan Zimet and Village Mayor Jason West ended the State of Emergency in the Town and Village of New Paltz. The full text of the Executive Order will be posted shortly.
Latest (and maybe last) Sandy Report from Ulster County Emergency Services
Good afternoon,
This may be the last Sandy report:
The County's State of Emergency was lifted at noon today.
The Emergency Operations Center is demobilized and will be closed at this time.
The only shelter that will be open tonight is at Belleayre.
A reminder that damage assessments are needed by noon tomorrow (PA and IA).
Currently there are 26,200 Central Hudson customers without power, and NYSE&G reports 4,494. All available crews are in the field. Please remember that all downed lines should be considered energized.
Central Hudson is distributing dry ice at Accord # 1 firehouse, Woodstock Community Center, and CHG&E Elting Corners facility all until 6 PM and at the Olivebridge firehouse from 5 PM to 8 PM. NYSEG's closest distribution point will be at the Pine Bush FD until 4 PM. The utilities will provide updates on future dry ice / water distribution points.
Thank you to everyone for all of your cooperation and dedication throughout this event. A fine job by all.
Art Snyder
This may be the last Sandy report:
The County's State of Emergency was lifted at noon today.
The Emergency Operations Center is demobilized and will be closed at this time.
The only shelter that will be open tonight is at Belleayre.
A reminder that damage assessments are needed by noon tomorrow (PA and IA).
Currently there are 26,200 Central Hudson customers without power, and NYSE&G reports 4,494. All available crews are in the field. Please remember that all downed lines should be considered energized.
Central Hudson is distributing dry ice at Accord # 1 firehouse, Woodstock Community Center, and CHG&E Elting Corners facility all until 6 PM and at the Olivebridge firehouse from 5 PM to 8 PM. NYSEG's closest distribution point will be at the Pine Bush FD until 4 PM. The utilities will provide updates on future dry ice / water distribution points.
Thank you to everyone for all of your cooperation and dedication throughout this event. A fine job by all.
Art Snyder
Mother Nature's Treat: Halloween Parade on for Wednesday 10/31
Due to the dramatic shift in the weather, the New Paltz Halloween parade is now back on for Wednesday, October 31st! Let's celebrate New Paltz's favorite holiday in style, 6:00 pm parade, line up at the Middle School.
The New Paltz Halloween parade and the Teen Scene Haunted House will go on as scheduled tomorrow night. But lucky New Paltz will extend our Halloween Sandy Week and the Night of 100 Pumpkins will happen this Saturday from 6 pm to 9 pm. Carved or Painted Pumpkins should be brought to The Bakery on Friday by 7 pm so that they can be judged and displayed.
The New Paltz Halloween parade and the Teen Scene Haunted House will go on as scheduled tomorrow night. But lucky New Paltz will extend our Halloween Sandy Week and the Night of 100 Pumpkins will happen this Saturday from 6 pm to 9 pm. Carved or Painted Pumpkins should be brought to The Bakery on Friday by 7 pm so that they can be judged and displayed.
Red Cross Closes SUNY New Paltz Shelter
Red Cross is closing down the SUNY New Paltz Shelter at this time.
Ulster County Executive Michael Hein to provide Sandy update; Freeman will livestream
KINGSTON, N,Y. — The Freeman today will livestream an update by Ulster County Executive Michael Hein about the impact of Hurricane Sandy on county.
Hein will be at the Freeman office at 1:30 p.m., and his remarks can be viewed here as they happen:
Ulster County Ends State of Emergency and Travel Restrictions
Ulster County Executive Michael P. Hein declared a State of Emergency in Ulster County effective Monday, October 29th at 8 AM. This State of Emergency and the travel restriction ended on Tuesday, October 30th at noon. County office buildings will open on Wednesday, October 31st and bus service provided by the Ulster County Area Transit will resume on Wednesday, October 31st at 5:30 AM. Please call 2-1-1 for general information. NYSEG can be reached by calling 800-572-1131 and Central Hudson at 452-2700. Call 855-855-1235 to hear a recording of important County information.
List of Shelters updated 10 30 12 at 11:25pm
Road Closures updated 10 30 12 at 9:45 am
Dry Ice Distribution Sites updated 10 30 12 at 11 am
Areas of Concern in Ulster County
Ulster County Emergency Services Blog Link
FEMA Information to Prepare, Plan, and Stay Informed
Division of Homeland Security & Emergency Services Press Release
Facility Closures updated 10 29 9:35 pm
News for Residents of Town of Shandaken
Repost: New Paltz Halloween Parade Postponement
Upon consensus of the EOC and the Lion's Club (the parade organizers), the Bakery, and the Youth Center, because of the storm, the toll on our emergency workers, and the time needed to clean post-storm, the New Paltz Halloween parade, the Night of 100 Pumpkins, and the Teen Scene Haunted House is tentatively postponed till Saturday, November 3rd. We strongly encourage residents to also postpone Trick or Treating, as well. We will revisit this decision later in the week, to make sure we can be ready and all is safe for Saturday.
Hurricane Sandy heavy winds have already begun and are expected to continue through Wednesday, potentially causing considerable damage: lines down, power outages, debris filled roads, and road closings. Central Hudson and our local building and road crews cannot begin clean up until the high winds stop. These same crews from our fire, police, rescue squad, DPW, and highway departments who also staff and support our Halloween parade are expected to be working around the clock over at least the next couple of days.
Hurricane Sandy heavy winds have already begun and are expected to continue through Wednesday, potentially causing considerable damage: lines down, power outages, debris filled roads, and road closings. Central Hudson and our local building and road crews cannot begin clean up until the high winds stop. These same crews from our fire, police, rescue squad, DPW, and highway departments who also staff and support our Halloween parade are expected to be working around the clock over at least the next couple of days.
Summary of Closings and Delays Tuesday, October 30th
Town and Village of New Paltz
- The Town of New Paltz office are closed; the website is down and email is not operational
- The Village of New Paltz offices are closed
- Tonight's Village/Town Joint Meeting has been rescheduled to Thursday, November 1st at Village Hall
- Tonight'ss Town of New Paltz Court (Judge Bacon) is canceled
New Paltz Central School District
- Closed
SUNY New Paltz
- Tuesday morning classes canceled; classes that begin at noon or later will meet
- Ulster County offices are closed
- Bus service provided by the Ulster County Area Transit is suspended and will resume on Wednesday, October 31st at 5:30 AM
- The County Executive will lift the travel restriction at noon today, but he urges all residents to only drive if necessary and to drive carefully
Dry Ice and Water Distribution Locations and Times
Dry ice and water distribution locations and times have been established for Tuesday, October 30, 2012:· Newburgh Home Depot, 1220 Route 300, Newburgh NY 12550 11 a.m. through 6 p.m.
· Fishkill Home Depot at the Dutchess Mall, 450 Route 9, Fishill NY 12524 11 a.m. through 6 p.m.
· Eltings Corners Central Hudson facility, Corner of Route 299 and South St, Town of Lloyd, 12528 (directly opposite Lowe’s Home Improvement Store) 11 a.m. through 6 p.m.
· Accord Fire Department, 22 Main Street, Accord, NY 12404 12 noon through 6 p.m.
· Poughkeepsie Home Depot, 3470 North Road, Poughkeepsie, NY 12601 (across from Marist College) 12 noon through 6 p.m.
· Woodstock Community Center, 56 Rock City Road, Woodstock NY 12498 12 noon through 6 p.m.
· Fishkill Home Depot at the Dutchess Mall, 450 Route 9, Fishill NY 12524 11 a.m. through 6 p.m.
· Eltings Corners Central Hudson facility, Corner of Route 299 and South St, Town of Lloyd, 12528 (directly opposite Lowe’s Home Improvement Store) 11 a.m. through 6 p.m.
· Accord Fire Department, 22 Main Street, Accord, NY 12404 12 noon through 6 p.m.
· Poughkeepsie Home Depot, 3470 North Road, Poughkeepsie, NY 12601 (across from Marist College) 12 noon through 6 p.m.
· Woodstock Community Center, 56 Rock City Road, Woodstock NY 12498 12 noon through 6 p.m.
Update from County Executive Mike Hein
Ulster County Executive Michael P. Hein declared a State of Emergency in Ulster County effective Monday, October 29th at 8 AM. County office buildings will remain closed on Tuesday, October 30th. Bus service provided by the Ulster County Area Transit is suspended and will resume on Wednesday, October 31st at 5:30 AM. The County Executive will lift the travel restriction at noon today, but he urges all residents to only drive if necessary and to drive carefully. The Emergency Operation Center remains fully operational and all essential County services are being coordinated from this location. Please call 2-1-1 for general information. If you lose power, please contact Central Hudson at (845) 452-2700 or NYSEG at 800-572-1131. For downed wires and other emergencies, call 9-1-1. Please call 855-855-1235 to hear a recording of important County information.
List of Shelters updated 10 30 12 at 10:30 AM
Road Closures updated 10 30 12 at 9:45 am
Areas of Concern in Ulster County
Ulster County Emergency Services Blog Link
FEMA Information to Prepare, Plan, and Stay Informed
Division of Homeland Security & Emergency Services Press Release
Facility Closures updated 10 29 9:35 pm
News for Residents of Town of Shandaken
Ulster County Executive Michael P. Hein declared a State of Emergency in Ulster County effective Monday, October 29th at 8 AM. County office buildings will remain closed on Tuesday, October 30th. Bus service provided by the Ulster County Area Transit is suspended and will resume on Wednesday, October 31st at 5:30 AM. The County Executive will lift the travel restriction at noon today, but he urges all residents to only drive if necessary and to drive carefully. The Emergency Operation Center remains fully operational and all essential County services are being coordinated from this location. Please call 2-1-1 for general information. If you lose power, please contact Central Hudson at (845) 452-2700 or NYSEG at 800-572-1131. For downed wires and other emergencies, call 9-1-1. Please call 855-855-1235 to hear a recording of important County information.
List of Shelters updated 10 30 12 at 10:30 AM
Road Closures updated 10 30 12 at 9:45 am
Areas of Concern in Ulster County
Ulster County Emergency Services Blog Link
FEMA Information to Prepare, Plan, and Stay Informed
Division of Homeland Security & Emergency Services Press Release
Facility Closures updated 10 29 9:35 pm
News for Residents of Town of Shandaken
Town website and email are down
The Town of New Paltz website down and town email addresses are currently not operational.
Tonight's Village/Town Joint Meeting, rescheduled to Thursday,
Tonight's Village/Town Joint Meeting, scheduled for tonight at Village Hall, has been rescheduled to Thursday, November 1st.
Village of New Paltz Offices Closed Today
The Village of New Paltz Offices are closed today, Tuesday, October 30th. Tonight's Village/Town Joint Meeting, scheduled for tonight at Village Hall, has been rescheduled to Thursday, November 1st.
Town Court Tuesday October 30th Canceled
Tonight's Town of New Paltz Court (Judge Bacon) is canceled.
Town of New Paltz Offices Closed Today
The Town of New Paltz Offices are closed today, Tuesday, October 30th. Tonight's Town Court (Judge Bacon) is also canceled.
Info from County Executive Mike Hein
Ulster County Executive Michael P. Hein declared a State of Emergency in Ulster County effective 8 AM Monday morning. County office buildings were closed and will remain closed on Tuesday, October 30th. Bus service provided by the Ulster County Area Transit is also suspended. The County Executive imposed a County-wide travel restriction in Ulster County. Pursuant to this restriction, only essential personnel should be on the road. The Emergency Operation Center is fully operational and all essential County services are being coordinated from this location. Please check the County website regularly at updated storm related information, including a list of shelters and road closures. Call 2-1-1 for general information. NYSEG can be reached by calling 800-572-1131 and Central Hudson at 452-2700. For downed wires and other emergencies call 9-1-1.
Please call 855-855-1235 to hear a recording of important County information.
List of Shelters updated 10 30 12 at 6:35 AM
Road Closures updated 10 30 12 at 6:20 AM (Note: Mountain Rest was just reopened, but is still listed here. Also, John St at Prospect in the village remains closed.)
Areas of Concern in Ulster County
Ulster County Emergency Services Blog Link
FEMA Information to Prepare, Plan, and Stay Informed
Division of Homeland Security & Emergency Services Press Release
Facility Closures updated 10 29 9:35 pm
News for Residents of Town of Shandaken
Central Hudson Power Outage Map
According to the Central Hudson map, power outages are scattered across New Paltz, affecting many homes and businesses.
Tuesday Morning Update from Ulster County Emergency Services
Here are a few items from the overnight period:
As dawn breaks, people will be venturing outdoors to determine the
extent of damage. It is absolutely ESSENTIAL that all downed wires are
considered energized. Do not go anywhere near a downed wire, or anything
that may conduct electricity from a downed line (like guiderails).
There is one more tide cycle for the Hudson River that bears watching -
that is early this afternoon. Last night the Hudson at Poughkeepsie
exceed record flood stage by 1 1/2 feet. The effects were felt beyond
the northern border of Ulster.
The County remains in a State of Emergency, and any unnecessary driving
is strongly discouraged.
The following shelters were utilized overnight by the corresponding
number of people: Ellenville - 7 Kingston - 6, Belleayre -12, Saugerties
- 2, New Paltz - 9,
A Presidential Disaster Declaration was issued for a major disaster for
the City of New York and Long Island Counties. Damage assessments will
be sent out later today to Ulster County municipalities to determine if
a Preliminary Disaster Assessment is warranted.
As dawn breaks, people will be venturing outdoors to determine the
extent of damage. It is absolutely ESSENTIAL that all downed wires are
considered energized. Do not go anywhere near a downed wire, or anything
that may conduct electricity from a downed line (like guiderails).
There is one more tide cycle for the Hudson River that bears watching -
that is early this afternoon. Last night the Hudson at Poughkeepsie
exceed record flood stage by 1 1/2 feet. The effects were felt beyond
the northern border of Ulster.
The County remains in a State of Emergency, and any unnecessary driving
is strongly discouraged.
The following shelters were utilized overnight by the corresponding
number of people: Ellenville - 7 Kingston - 6, Belleayre -12, Saugerties
- 2, New Paltz - 9,
A Presidential Disaster Declaration was issued for a major disaster for
the City of New York and Long Island Counties. Damage assessments will
be sent out later today to Ulster County municipalities to determine if
a Preliminary Disaster Assessment is warranted.
Monday, October 29, 2012
The latest from Ulster County Emergency Services
Good evening
Just a few notes
Utility and public works crews will be out in force once daylight comes and conditions are safe for them to work. Please refrain from any unnecessary travel while restoration efforts progress.
There was one storm related fatality in the County today.
High Wind Warning Remains in effect until 11 AM Tuesday.
Hudson River flooding is still a major concern. River levels are expected to rise to 4-5 feet above flood stage during high tide.
Good evening
Just a few notes
Utility and public works crews will be out in force once daylight comes and conditions are safe for them to work. Please refrain from any unnecessary travel while restoration efforts progress.
There was one storm related fatality in the County today.
High Wind Warning Remains in effect until 11 AM Tuesday.
Hudson River flooding is still a major concern. River levels are expected to rise to 4-5 feet above flood stage during high tide.
Mountain Rest Road is Closed
Mountain Rest Road is now closed west of Butterville Road, therefore there is not a route over the mountain.
SUNY New Paltz Tuesday classes starting before noon Tuesday canceled
Tuesday classes starting before noon are canceled. Offices are open. Non-essential employees who stay home must charge leave credits. Decisions about Tuesday afternoon and evening classes will be made by 10 a.m. Tuesday.
New Paltz Halloween Parade Postponement
Upon consensus of the EOC and the Lion's Club (the parade organizers), the Bakery, and the Youth Center, because of the storm, the toll on our emergency workers, and the time needed to clean post-storm, the New Paltz Halloween parade, the Night of 100 Pumpkins, and the Teen Scene Haunted House is tentatively postponed till Saturday, November 3rd. We strongly encourage residents to also postpone Trick or Treating, as well. We will revisit this decision later in the week, to make sure we can be ready and all is safe for Saturday.
Hurricane Sandy heavy winds have already begun and are expected to continue through Wednesday, potentially causing considerable damage: lines down, power outages, debris filled roads, and road closings. Central Hudson and our local building and road crews cannot begin clean up until the high winds stop. These same crews from our fire, police, rescue squad, DPW, and highway departments who also staff and support our Halloween parade are expected to be working around the clock over at least the next couple of days.
Hurricane Sandy heavy winds have already begun and are expected to continue through Wednesday, potentially causing considerable damage: lines down, power outages, debris filled roads, and road closings. Central Hudson and our local building and road crews cannot begin clean up until the high winds stop. These same crews from our fire, police, rescue squad, DPW, and highway departments who also staff and support our Halloween parade are expected to be working around the clock over at least the next couple of days.
State of Emergency Declaration: Full Text
WHEREAS, the Supervisor
of the Town of New Paltz, acting in her capacity as chief executive officer of
the Town of New Paltz and the mayor of the Village of New Paltz, acting in his
capacity as chief executive officer of the Village of New Paltz, have
determined that a natural disaster exists or is reasonably anticipated to be
imminent based upon due diligence in the form of weather forecasts, in the form
of storm conditions including but not necessarily limited to extraordinarily
heavy rainfall, flooding, and ancillary impacts of same; and
WHEREAS, in anticipation
of said disaster and during its occurrence and aftermath, the Supervisor and
Mayor find the extraordinary measures are required to allow for municipal
preparedness, action, and recovery from said natural disaster, and in order to
respond to and prevent the imperilment of the public during such natural
That a State of Emergency be declared for the entire area contained within both
the Town and the Village of New Paltz.
That said State of Emergency shall be in effect from 12:00pm on Monday, October 29, 2012 until
lifted by subsequent Joint Executive Order of the Supervisor and Mayor of New
That for the duration of said State of Emergency, the Supervisor of the Town of
New Paltz and the Mayor of the Village of New Paltz shall have necessary
authority to act in response to the natural disaster, pursuant to the law and
this or any other Executive order, within each other’s municipal jurisdiction
such that in the absence of one, the other is duly designated to act in the
role of Emergency Management Coordinator and/or Incident Commander. This is including, but not limited to, the
authority to direct municipal personnel.
That for the duration of said State of Emergency, all Village and Town Dept.
Heads have mutual and concurrent authority to operate within each other’s
That for the duration of the State of Emergency, the Supervisor of the Town of
New Paltz and the Mayor of the Village of New Paltz are hereby authorized to
waive any and all site plan conditions and special use permit conditions at
their discretion if said action is in the best interest of the public health,
safety and welfare.
The Supervisor and/or Mayor may request and accept assistance from any
political subdivision and may receive therefrom and utilize any real or
personal property or the service of any personnel thereof on such terms and
conditions as may be mutually agreed to by the chief executives of the
requesting and assisting political subdivisions.
Upon the receipt of a request for assistance made by the chief executive of any
other political subdivision, the Supervisor and/or Mayor may give, lend or
lease, on such terms and conditions as may be deemed necessary to promote the
public welfare and protect the interests of such political subdivision, any
services, equipment, facilities, supplies or other resources of his political
subdivision. Any lease or loan of real
or personal property pursuant to this provision, or any transfer of personnel
pursuant hereto, shall be only for the purpose of assisting a political
subdivision in emergency relief, reconstruction, or rehabilitation made
necessary by the disaster.
The Supervisor and/or Mayor are hereby authorized and empowered to and shall
use any and all facilities, equipment, supplies, personnel and other resources
of the political subdivision in such manner as may be necessary or appropriate
to cope with the disaster or any emergency resulting therefrom.
That the Supervisor and/or Mayor may at any time convene an Emergency
Operations Center.
order shall be executed in quadruplicate originals and one original shall be
filed in the office of the Village Clerk, One copy filed in the office of the
Town Clerk, one copy delivered to the County Clerk, and one copy delivered to
the New York State Secretary of State.
copy of this Order shall be delivered to the New Paltz Times and other area
news outlets for public distribution as soon as practicable for publication.
ordered, this the Twenty Ninth day of October 2012.
Zimet, Supervisor of the Town of New Paltz
West, Mayor of the Village of New Paltz
Red Cross SUNY New Paltz Shelter
Mid-Hudson Red Cross shelter at SUNY New Paltz has taken in over ten residents already. If you or someone you know needs shelter in or near New Paltz, the shelter in the Wellness Center is staffed and ready.
New Paltz Central School District Closed Tuesday
New Paltz Central School District Closed Tuesday, October 30th
Town/Village Declare State of Emergency
Effective 12 noon today, Monday, October 29th, Town Supervisor Susan Zimet and Village Mayor Jason West announced Joint Executive Order No. 2012-1, declaring a State of Emergency in the Town and Village of New Paltz. The full text of the Executive Order will be posted shortly.
The latest from Ulster County Emergency Services
Here is the latest information:
Current wind speed of the storm is 90+ MPH. The winds we expect are still 30-40 MPH with gusts to 60 (add 10 MPH for elevation). Timing of the heaviest winds are 4 PM to 2 AM. Rainfall totals are still expected to be in the 3" range. Heaviest rains tonight into tomorrow. Any flash flooding will be localized. However, Hudson River tidal influenced flooding is a major concern. All DEP diversions have been shut down.
Public Works employees will be working until nightfall, returning at first light. Trying to cut trees with potentially live wires in the dark is too dangerous. This is a primary reason to remain off the roads except for absolutely necessary travel.
Central Hudson has pulled in 62 mutual aid crews for a total of 299 total line crews; additionally, they have 42 tree trimming crews on retainer. CHG&E employees will also be pulling crews off the road when conditions are unsafe. They will be re-deployed when conditions are safe for them to
work.They will respond to emergencies. CHG&E has also secured 110,000 pounds of dry ice.
There is a state staging area at Belleayre Mtn.
In addition to Ulster County, Towns under a state of emergency include Shandaken, Marlboro, Olive, Gardiner, Lloyd, Denning, Woodstock, Saugerties (Town and Village) Rochester, Plattekill.
Shelters are in place at Trudy Farber in Ellenville, Midtown Center in Kingston, Belleayre in Shandaken, Saugerties Sr Center, SUNY New Paltz Wellness Center, Rosendale Rec Center, Olivebridge firehouse, all three town of Rochester firehouses and Kerhonkson Accord Rescue Building.
Here is the latest information:
Current wind speed of the storm is 90+ MPH. The winds we expect are still 30-40 MPH with gusts to 60 (add 10 MPH for elevation). Timing of the heaviest winds are 4 PM to 2 AM. Rainfall totals are still expected to be in the 3" range. Heaviest rains tonight into tomorrow. Any flash flooding will be localized. However, Hudson River tidal influenced flooding is a major concern. All DEP diversions have been shut down.
Public Works employees will be working until nightfall, returning at first light. Trying to cut trees with potentially live wires in the dark is too dangerous. This is a primary reason to remain off the roads except for absolutely necessary travel.
Central Hudson has pulled in 62 mutual aid crews for a total of 299 total line crews; additionally, they have 42 tree trimming crews on retainer. CHG&E employees will also be pulling crews off the road when conditions are unsafe. They will be re-deployed when conditions are safe for them to
work.They will respond to emergencies. CHG&E has also secured 110,000 pounds of dry ice.
There is a state staging area at Belleayre Mtn.
In addition to Ulster County, Towns under a state of emergency include Shandaken, Marlboro, Olive, Gardiner, Lloyd, Denning, Woodstock, Saugerties (Town and Village) Rochester, Plattekill.
Shelters are in place at Trudy Farber in Ellenville, Midtown Center in Kingston, Belleayre in Shandaken, Saugerties Sr Center, SUNY New Paltz Wellness Center, Rosendale Rec Center, Olivebridge firehouse, all three town of Rochester firehouses and Kerhonkson Accord Rescue Building.
Emergency Notice #3 Hurricane Sandy
Continue to check here for future updates on the status of storm and evacuation notices. · The Town and Village continue to be on stand-by. Both the Town and Village offices are closed for the day. The Town Planning Board meeting and public hearing for this evening is cancelled and a new date is yet to be determined.
· The Red Cross is has opened the New Paltz evacuation center in the new SUNY Wellness Center/Gym located on the campus close to Route 208.
· The Town and Village are advising residents to prepare for power outages, high winds and flooding. This includes 10 day supply of medicine, food and water (1 gal/per day/per person). Have flashlights, batteries and charged cell phones on hand.
· Evacuation is not mandatory at this time, but we will be keeping track of the storm's progress. Low lying areas should continuously monitor the status of the storm and water levels, and consider evacuation as deemed appropriate.
· Fire, Rescue, and Highway units will be stationed west of the Wallkill River.
· At this time there are no road closures in the Town and Village of New Paltz. Please continue to check here under the "Road Closings" tab for up to date information on weather and road closings.
· For emergencies, dial 911. For recorded up to date information on Road closings, call 845-255-7123.
· We will have another update on the status of Hurricane Sandy tonight after 6pm.
· The Red Cross is has opened the New Paltz evacuation center in the new SUNY Wellness Center/Gym located on the campus close to Route 208.
· The Town and Village are advising residents to prepare for power outages, high winds and flooding. This includes 10 day supply of medicine, food and water (1 gal/per day/per person). Have flashlights, batteries and charged cell phones on hand.
· Evacuation is not mandatory at this time, but we will be keeping track of the storm's progress. Low lying areas should continuously monitor the status of the storm and water levels, and consider evacuation as deemed appropriate.
· Fire, Rescue, and Highway units will be stationed west of the Wallkill River.
· At this time there are no road closures in the Town and Village of New Paltz. Please continue to check here under the "Road Closings" tab for up to date information on weather and road closings.
· For emergencies, dial 911. For recorded up to date information on Road closings, call 845-255-7123.
· We will have another update on the status of Hurricane Sandy tonight after 6pm.
Time Warner Contact Info
Message from Time Warner
If you lose your Time Warner cable services: If you call Time Warner cable, our automated phone system will be able to tell you if we are aware of service interruptions in your area. If you call and hear that message, no further action is necessary. If your service is out and you do not hear that message, you can report it through the system or by speaking with a representative.
Hudson Valley numbers:
If you lose your Time Warner cable services: If you call Time Warner cable, our automated phone system will be able to tell you if we are aware of service interruptions in your area. If you call and hear that message, no further action is necessary. If your service is out and you do not hear that message, you can report it through the system or by speaking with a representative.
Hudson Valley numbers:
Village of New Paltz Offices Closed Today
The Village of New Paltz Offices will be closed for the remainder of today into tomorrow.
Road Closings #1
At this time there are no road closures in the Town and Village of New Paltz. Please continue to check here under the "Road Closings" tab for up to date information on weather and road closings.
Road Closure and Information Line: 845-255-7123
Road Closure and Information Line: 845-255-7123
Red Cross Shelter at SUNY New Paltz is open
The Red
Cross has opened the New Paltz evacuation center in the new SUNY Wellness Center/Gym
located on the campus close to Route 208.
Town of New Paltz Offices Closed Today
The Town of New Paltz Offices are closed today, Monday, October 29th. Tonight's Town Planning Board meeting and public hearing is cancelled and a new date is yet to be determined.
New Paltz Red Cross Shelter at SUNY New Paltz
The Red Cross is scheduled to open the evacuation center at noon today. The Evacuation Center is located in the new SUNY Wellness Center/Gym located on the campus close to Route 208.
About the EOC
As per the Town and Village of New Paltz's Emergency Preparedness Plan, in times of community wide emergencies the Emergency Operations Center (EOC) is activated.
Membership includes:
Town of New Paltz, Supervisor Susan Zimet
Village of New Paltz, Mayor Jason West
Town of New Paltz Highway Department, Supervisor Chris Marx
Village Department of Public Works, Superintendent Bleu Terwillger
New Paltz Fire Department, Chief Kevin Maguire, Tony Yenzer, and Bri Kane
New Paltz Police Department, Chief Joe Synder and Detective Rob Lucchesi
New Paltz Rescue Squad, Gina Bassinette
SUNY New Paltz, Police Chief Dave Dugatkin, Director of Environmental Health & Safety Mike Malloy, Director James Halpern of the Institute for Disaster Mental Health
New Paltz Central School District, Superintendent Maria Rice and Transportation Director Maureen Ryan
New York State Police
Local Emergency Preparedness Committee Reps
Jeff Salt and Gail Gallerie
Public Information Officers
Craig Shankles and KT Tobin
From the Emergency Preparedness Plan:
It is recognized that the Emergency Services operating within the Town & Village of New Paltz operate efficiently and in concert with each other on a daily basis. Often the command post of a major incident is at the scene of an emergency and adequately addresses the needs of the community. This plan is not intended to affect the manner or method by which our Emergency Services handle day-to-day operations. This plan is developed to be used in times of community wide emergencies, such as blizzard, drought, earthquake, flood, forest fire, hurricane, tornado, explosions, hazardous materials incident, prolonged community power failure, etc. where the scope of the emergency taxes the capabilities of local emergency services and where the community remains at risk. When deemed necessary the Supervisor and/or Mayor will initiate the activation process of the Emergency Operations Center (EOC). The EOC will function only at the direction of the Supervisor and/or Mayor and once staffed will remained staffed until so relieved or no longer needed.
Functions of the EOC:
The function of the EOC will be to provide for the coordination, communication and resource support to effectively handle the disaster. The specific functions shall include, but are not limited to:
Assessing the emergency situation and making decisions on what actions should be taken
o Includes countermeasures to minimize the effects of the hazard: sandbags, generators, snow removal, tree removal, shelter activation etc.
Public warning and emergency information
o Designation of a Public Information Officer (PIO) and the dissemination of information.
Public protection activities to assist people
o Includes activating shelter(s)
o Evacuations
o Transportation
o Crowd Control
o Maintain Order
Continual updates from the members of the E.O.C. on the status of all departments involved.
o Hourly reports from field personnel to E.O.C. representatives.
o Hourly briefing reports by E.O.C. representatives.
Emergency care for victims
Restoring Vital Services
o Power
o Water
o Transportation
o Telephone
Damage Assessment Recovery
o Short term
o Long term
The EOC will be responsible for the coordinated flow of communication among all departments involved. The EOC will forward all warnings, directives, and information, etc. to their appropriate agencies for action and dissemination.
Membership includes:
Town of New Paltz, Supervisor Susan Zimet
Village of New Paltz, Mayor Jason West
Town of New Paltz Highway Department, Supervisor Chris Marx
Village Department of Public Works, Superintendent Bleu Terwillger
New Paltz Fire Department, Chief Kevin Maguire, Tony Yenzer, and Bri Kane
New Paltz Police Department, Chief Joe Synder and Detective Rob Lucchesi
New Paltz Rescue Squad, Gina Bassinette
SUNY New Paltz, Police Chief Dave Dugatkin, Director of Environmental Health & Safety Mike Malloy, Director James Halpern of the Institute for Disaster Mental Health
New Paltz Central School District, Superintendent Maria Rice and Transportation Director Maureen Ryan
New York State Police
Local Emergency Preparedness Committee Reps
Jeff Salt and Gail Gallerie
Public Information Officers
Craig Shankles and KT Tobin
From the Emergency Preparedness Plan:
It is recognized that the Emergency Services operating within the Town & Village of New Paltz operate efficiently and in concert with each other on a daily basis. Often the command post of a major incident is at the scene of an emergency and adequately addresses the needs of the community. This plan is not intended to affect the manner or method by which our Emergency Services handle day-to-day operations. This plan is developed to be used in times of community wide emergencies, such as blizzard, drought, earthquake, flood, forest fire, hurricane, tornado, explosions, hazardous materials incident, prolonged community power failure, etc. where the scope of the emergency taxes the capabilities of local emergency services and where the community remains at risk. When deemed necessary the Supervisor and/or Mayor will initiate the activation process of the Emergency Operations Center (EOC). The EOC will function only at the direction of the Supervisor and/or Mayor and once staffed will remained staffed until so relieved or no longer needed.
Functions of the EOC:
The function of the EOC will be to provide for the coordination, communication and resource support to effectively handle the disaster. The specific functions shall include, but are not limited to:
Assessing the emergency situation and making decisions on what actions should be taken
o Includes countermeasures to minimize the effects of the hazard: sandbags, generators, snow removal, tree removal, shelter activation etc.
Public warning and emergency information
o Designation of a Public Information Officer (PIO) and the dissemination of information.
Public protection activities to assist people
o Includes activating shelter(s)
o Evacuations
o Transportation
o Crowd Control
o Maintain Order
Continual updates from the members of the E.O.C. on the status of all departments involved.
o Hourly reports from field personnel to E.O.C. representatives.
o Hourly briefing reports by E.O.C. representatives.
Emergency care for victims
Restoring Vital Services
o Power
o Water
o Transportation
o Telephone
Damage Assessment Recovery
o Short term
o Long term
The EOC will be responsible for the coordinated flow of communication among all departments involved. The EOC will forward all warnings, directives, and information, etc. to their appropriate agencies for action and dissemination.
Sunday, October 28, 2012
Central Hudson App
The Central Hudson Mobile App provides customers a convenient way to obtain restoration status during a storm, view account details and make payments.
All customers of Central Hudson Gas & Electric Corp. can use it to ...
- Make a payment
- Report an electric power outage
- Check status of an outage
- View outage summary by county and municipality
- View the outage map
- View payment locations
- View contact information
Emergency Notice #2 Hurricane Sandy
to check here for future updates on the status of
storm and evacuation notices. The Town and Village are on stand-by. The Red
Cross is scheduled to open the evacuation center at noon Monday October 29, 2012. The
Evacuation Center is located in the new SUNY Wellness Center/Gym located on the
campus close to Route 208. The Town and Village are advising residents to prepare
for power outages, high winds and flooding. This includes 10 day supply of
medicine, food and water (1
gal/per day/per person). Have flashlights, batteries and charged cell phones on
hand. Evacuation is not mandatory at this time, but we will be keeping track of
the storm's progress. Low lying areas should continuously monitor the status of
the storm and water levels, and consider evacuation as deemed appropriate.
Fire, Rescue and Highway units will be stationed west of the Wallkill River. We will have a better update on the status of Hurricane Sandy on Monday
after 12pm.
Storm Preparations & Tips
- Subscribe to NY Alert to get the latest watches and warnings directly from the National Weather Service.
- Have a family disaster plan.
- Be especially conscious to look
out for the elderly, disabled and children.
- Plan for your pets, as pets are
not allowed in general population shelters.
- Be prepared for extended power
outages. Have a supply of batteries, a battery operated radio, and
flashlights. Avoid the use of candles whenever possible due to the
fire hazard.
- Have enough potable water for each
person. One gallon per person, per day is recommended.
- Have a quantity of nonperishable
food and a manual can opener.
- Have a first aid kit and extra
medications on hand.
- Have a small quantity of cash on
hand in case ATM machines are without power.
- Heed all official warnings
including orders to evacuate.
- Never drive through flooded
roadways: “turn around, don’t drown!”
- Assume that all down wires are
energized and stay away from them.
- Never operate a generator or
charcoal cooking appliance indoors because of the great danger of carbon
monoxide poisoning.
- Keep in mind that the wide area of
impact will affect the availability of all resources, including, but not
limited to the Red Cross and utilities.
- Follow the advice of – Get a Kit,
Make a Plan, Be Informed.
American Red Cross App
Be ready for severe weather with Hurricane by American Red Cross. Monitor conditions in your area or throughout the storm track, prepare your family and home, find help and let others know you are safe even if the power is out – a must have for anyone who lives in an area where a hurricane may strike or has loved ones who do.
From your mobile phone, call "**REDCROSS" (**73327677) and they will send you a link to download the app to your phone or you can download them directly from the iTunes or Google Play app stores.
From your mobile phone, call "**REDCROSS" (**73327677) and they will send you a link to download the app to your phone or you can download them directly from the iTunes or Google Play app stores.
Emergency Notice #1 Hurricane Sandy
Check here for future updates of the status of storm and evacuation notices. The Town and Village are on stand-by. The Red Cross will be establishing an evacuation center in the new SUNY Wellness Center/Gym located on the campus close to Route 208. The Town and Village are advising residents to prepare for power outages. This includes 10-day supply of medicine, food and water (1 gal/per day/per person). This storm is expected to be followed by excessively cold weather, so warm clothing will be needed if the power goes out. Have flashlights, batteries and charged cell phones on hand. Evacuation is not mandatory at this time, but we will be keeping track of the storm's progress. Low lying areas should continuously monitor the status of the storm and consider evacuation as deemed appropriate.
Full notice here. This notice was hand delivered door-to-door to residents living west of the Wallkill on Saturday, October 27th.
Full notice here. This notice was hand delivered door-to-door to residents living west of the Wallkill on Saturday, October 27th.
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